My Wee Girl Graduated
/This past weekend we celebrated my daughters graduation with a open house / party. My lovely daughter has been homeschooled her entire life, she is our second child to graduate from homeschool, we have two more to go. So far, each time one of them has graduated the Lord has given me a verse which is significant for them. The bible verse the Lord gave us for her graduation was 1 Sam 7:12 "Then Samuel took a stone, set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” She and I both felt this verse was appropriate for a time of transition in her life and significant as the Lord had helped her to get to this point.
Using this verse as the starting point, we went with a rock theme for her party...rock as in rock (stone), not as in rock n roll. My daughter led us on a hike to the woods to a favorite rock formation of hers for a graduation photo are a few shots.
Ok, yes I know these are not typical graduation or senior photos, but this kid is not your typical senior. Most of the clothes she is wearing in these photos she made and she pretty much lives her life barefoot.
I used these pictures to create the invitation to her party. For a keepsake for her we collected rocks from the beach and we had the guests write a note on them. I purchased a pretty glass jar for her to keep them in.
My aunt told her that her future husband will curse me years down the road when he has to move a jar of rocks every time they move, but I think it makes a nice keepsake.
And of course for favors she wanted to give out what else but....rock candy.